︎︎︎ Descience, 2019

Photographed science experiments A photoserie project that comes together with chemistry and design. New shapes, colors and images are created by selfmade chemical experiments.
A new way of thinking about design is what is to be achieved.

Was available for purchase at Hutspot Rotterdam in 2019.

1. NaCl, 2019 [sodium chloride]
Water, oil, curcuma and salt Vegetable oil is less dense than water is, and that is why the vegetable oil settles on top of the water. Then the salt coats the oil, which weighs the oil down, because the salt is more dense than water or vegetable oil. For this reason, the added salt causes the vegetable oil to sink to the bottom of the graduated cylinder. Water and salt are both polar, allowing the salt to be dissolved in the water. Oil is non-polar and that is why it cannot be dissolved in salt or water.

2. CuSO4(H2O)x, 2019 [copper sulfate]
Fire liquid, copper sulfate When a metal or metal salt (copper sulfate) is burned, the input of thermal energy raises the electrons in the metal atom to a higher energy state. These electrons can not remain in this excited state for too long and will emit energy in the form of light to return to the more stable, grounded state. It is this light we see when a metal atom is burned in a flame. Every metal has it’s own color. Copper sulfate will create green flames.

3. R2SiO, 2019 [silicone]
Acrylic, water, silicone Acrylic pouring is an easy form of creating art. The black paint on the canvas is used for the base. The blue paint is mixed with silicone. The silicone oil product added to the paint is to encourage the formation of cells.

© Demi Meijer


Westersingel 97
3015LC, Rotterdam
The Netherlands



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︎︎︎ Descience, 2019 

Photographed science experiments A photoserie project that comes together with chemistry and design. New shapes, colors and images are created by selfmade chemical experiments.
A new way of thinking about design is what is to be achieved.

Was available for purchase at Hutspot Rotterdam in 2019.

1. NaCl, 2019 [sodium chloride]
Water, oil, curcuma and salt Vegetable oil is less dense than water is, and that is why the vegetable oil settles on top of the water. Then the salt coats the oil, which weighs the oil down, because the salt is more dense than water or vegetable oil. For this reason, the added salt causes the vegetable oil to sink to the bottom of the graduated cylinder. Water and salt are both polar, allowing the salt to be dissolved in the water. Oil is non-polar and that is why it cannot be dissolved in salt or water.

2. CuSO4(H2O)x, 2019 [copper sulfate]
Fire liquid, copper sulfate When a metal or metal salt (copper sulfate) is burned, the input of thermal energy raises the electrons in the metal atom to a higher energy state. These electrons can not remain in this excited state for too long and will emit energy in the form of light to return to the more stable, grounded state. It is this light we see when a metal atom is burned in a flame. Every metal has it’s own color. Copper sulfate will create green flames.

3. R2SiO, 2019 [silicone]
Acrylic, water, silicone Acrylic pouring is an easy form of creating art. The black paint on the canvas is used for the base. The blue paint is mixed with silicone. The silicone oil product added to the paint is to encourage the formation of cells.