︎︎︎ Pickup Rick, 2020

A Corporate Identity for a new start up called Pickup Rick. Logo + webdesign. Pickup Rick is an accessible digital web-based customer calling system for the hospitality industry. They offer a product that makes it possible to call customer through their smartphones without physical pagers. The restaurant / catering facility reports the status of orders on the web interface (a pager is a wireless telecommunications device that receives and displays alphanumeric or voice messages), the customer receives notifications via the web page and/or social media channels.

They are a small startup with the ambition to quickly become internationally active.


© Demi Meijer

Westersingel 97
3015LC, Rotterdam
The Netherlands



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︎︎︎ Pickup Rick, 2020 

A Corporate Identity for a new start up called Pickup Rick. Logo + webdesign. Pickup Rick is an accessible digital web-based customer calling system for the hospitality industry. They offer a product that makes it possible to call customer through their smartphones without physical pagers. The restaurant / catering facility reports the status of orders on the web interface (a pager is a wireless telecommunications device that receives and displays alphanumeric or voice messages), the customer receives notifications via the web page and/or social media channels.

They are a small startup with the ambition to quickly become internationally active.